
Friday, February 28, 2014

when pregnant

Well it all started on February 2011, when I found out I was pregnant. At that time I was finishing my last prerequisite class, to than enroll in the RN program. I didn't go to my check-up till after twelve weeks because I felt good and although I spotted some I figured it was my body adjusting to the change. In the past, I had a miscarriage and had spotted and nothing had been done, except wait see what happened next, so I thought I'm not going to worry much since I was busy studying for my microbiology class. If I was going to have a miscarriage it would happen no matter what.

So finally I went to my OB appointment check, and everything seemed okay according to my the doc, but there was one thing that worried me and it was that at twelve weeks she couldn't find the heart beat and with my other three pregnancies the heart beat was found right away. The doctor noticed my concern, so she went ahead and check me with the sonogram machine, but she wasn't to sure how to use it, she did found the heart but we couldn't hear nothing she couldn't find the volume bottom.  She told me it was a big baby and not to worry. I sort of did because the little bundle was so tiny. On my next visit the same thing happened with a different doctor he couldn't find the heart beat as well, but finally he supposedly found it and told me everything checked good, and I would have my sonogram till my six months.  

At six months I toke my kids and husband to see our baby and couldn't wait to find out the sex. The tech said it's another boy. Oh wow! another boy our forth boy! He gave me many pictures and send me to one of the rooms to wait for the doctor. The doctor came in and said everything looked okay. I now imagine the tech send me to the room cause he probably seen something abnormal because normally you get send home if tech doesn't see any abnormalities. At least in that clinic they do, or just to. As time passed I started getting severe back pain, and this awful cramping sensation ever time I used the restroom. According to my ob it was the pregnancy since every pregnancy is different he would tell me. I hardly got hungry and my backaches got worse and every time I got up in a sitting position I could hear something popping inside like a ligament, but I was pregnant and that was "normal. "

At  36 weeks I got up to use the restroom and I felt my water broke at least I thought it was, but to my surprise it was blood I got so scared I had no cramps of any sort and I could hear my ligament or now placenta tearing up cause that's was it was. I told my husband and we went to the hospital. Once there they checked and noticed my blood pressure was sky high so they keep for two days and me told me I had preeclampsia and that the bleeding was probably because my placenta had ruptured. I was monitored and they did an intensive sonogram and the appropriate blood work and told me baby looked ok. Was sent home in bed rest.

During this time I had finished my last college class, and had enrolled into the RN program and luckily had been selected from the lottery, since now-a -days everybody wants to be an RN. So I had to take the TEAS exam and then could start the program.  I felt blessed and thought that was what God wanted me to do. So my plans were to pass the exam and start the program as soon as I could. But then I had such a worry, I remember feeling so nervous, sad and scared,cause next door I had my brother who was taking his last breaths. He had been in and out of the hospital for two months. Till they told him they couldn't do anything else.  His liver was done he had liver cirrhosis due to over-drinking and drug use. He was only 40.  I was his nurse for the time he had been sent home with hospice. Out of nine siblings he only trusted me to help him. I had a sore tummy and couldn't help him much, but would give him his meds and change his dressing and bag from his abdominal paracentesis.

I was home for four days than my baby decided he couldn't take it anymore so my water broke and out we went again. I had just seen the Dr. the day before and was told the baby wasn't moving at a normal rate.  To keep a close eye and any changes to go back to hospital.  So there I was again, they checked me to make sure it was the water fluid and not my pee. Since I had no contractions, I was giving half a pill to thin my uterus. Well that did it, I had my baby four hours later, and that's when everything turned upside down.

I will post the rest later my story is long and since its been since 2011.  I do have plenty to share.  Its just that I wasn't ready to do it, but lately as I been reading  more and more blogs. I thought I also had to share mine. Hope you enjoy it and we can help each other. Cause life if a tough cookie!